
  • Workers Compensation

    Provide certain benefits to workers who are injured or exposed to occupational diseases during the course of their employment even if said exposure takes years to injure you. Your immigration status does not matter. You still have rights.

  • Car Accidents

    It is very unfortunate that you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence. You can rest assured that you are represented by one of the top civil litigators in the State of Massachusetts.

  • Slipp & Falls

    Have you ever falling while shopping at your favorite store, or any other business?. One moment you are happily walking and the next you are laying on the ground, hurt and scared. You should know that many businesses have policies in place to protect customers and workers from slips and falls at their premisses. If you’ve ever fallen on the floor at a shop, restaurant, hotel, or other commercial business, you should know that you are entitled to be covered for your injuries and/or medical bills from this incident.